Tuesday, November 23, 2010

FOUND: SFMOMA - The act of sleeping....

I was taken to SF Moma by a friend, Gabor to see the Henri Cartier- Bresson exhibit and once again found myself in HEAVEN.

Every photo left me wondering, what an amazing life this man had led... without the ease of modern-day transportation methods, he explored the world... he photographed the world... the most important people, the most forgotten people...

Anyway, I found this quote particulary interesting.... and it jolted me.
At this point, I drew my own camera (iphone) and wandered into the very next room to discover what I thought was a sculpture installation- Two Asian Tourists sitting on a bench... I thought to myself how odd it was that they installed a Ron Mueck sculpture inside of a photography exhibit.

As I got closer... I realized.. these sculptures were not in the "act of living" they were in the "act of sleeping"... they were SOUND ASLEEP... the guy's hand was even 1/2 way through dialing a phone number.

Newly inspired...

"I was ready to POUNCE and TRAP Life... it was just that this life was in the act of sleeping. "
- Lucy Bennett 2010

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