Message TBD.
Why is it called Lost & Found?
Very good question, since I did ask it myself... It is called Lost & Found, mostly because some of my most prized treasures have come from inside a Lost & Found box. Now, some of you would frown on me stealing someone's lost possession- well you have every right to do that- but come on, they were irresponsible and lost it, and I was resourceful and found it. This site is merely designed to relieve some of my guilt and allow me to fill this blog with some goodies worthy of picking up!
Why are you focused on LA?
Well I spent a significant portion of my life growing up in this fine city and I think it to be important to celebrate the place you live. This is my ODE to LA!
Are you a skilled blogger?
Hell's-to-the-no! But, am I giving it a go? Sure, mostly it is to fill up my day during lulls in my day-to-day tv production life. A girl has gots to work those creative muscles, especially when I am using them to pay the bills.
May I link to your blog?
But of course! Only if I can link to yours....
May I use your pictures?
Probably safer if you didn't. Mostly because I usually grab them off of the internet... "FOUND" them really... I am merely finding "LOST" photos that would be floating out in Internet Space with no home or person to appreciate them! Let's be honest here- I am rescuing the images from being forgotten.
I love your title photo of the pool, where did you get that photo?
I "FOUND" it on my computer. My old roommate is a photographer- RACHEL WEINSTEIN-LABRUCHERIE... Actually, I probably should let her know I am using this photo & crediting her! Thanks Rachel! http://rweinstein.blogspot.com
I have some "FOUND" items I would love to share with you... how can I reach you?
I'd love to hear from you! Feel free to leave a comment or email me at - lucybennett2@gmail.com
I have some "LOST" items I would love you to help me find... how can I reach you?
So sorry, I would be happy to help you find them. Feel free to email me at - lucybennett2@gmail.com
Can I advertise on your blog?
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